Changes in the trademark registration procedure in Uzbekistan
Changes in the trademark registration procedure in Uzbekistan
The Intellectual Property Agency has been transferred to the Ministry of Justice on the basis of a President's resolution "On measures to improve public administration in the field of the intellectual property" as of February 8, 2019. On the basis of the above-mentioned resolution the following changes in the trademark registration procedure are expected:
1. Starting from March 1, 2019, all trademark applications filed to the Agency will be published on the official website within 1 business day. After the publication of the information about the application, any person may file an opposition against the registration.
2. Starting from March 1, 2019 trademark non-use period will decrease to 3 years (previously 5 year period).
3. Starting from September 1, 2019, only electronic filings will be accepted.
4. Until July 1, 2019 all registered trademarks will be inspected to the fact of unfair registration of well-known trademarks. As a result all revealed trademarks violating the third parties' rights might be canceled.
Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat and Partners will be pleased to provide you with a full range of trademark registration services in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The presence of a regional office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan allows us to represent our clients before the IP Office directly without involving foreign Patent Attorneys that significantly reduces the costs of the IP registration and protection services.